One of these differences is the age of the bands, which makes them more experienced and well known by the fans. Kiss was born on 1973, meanwhile Dream Theater did it in the 80’s. That’s why Kiss has recorded 26

The founders members of both bands nowadays are not the same. Both Kiss and Dream Theater have changed of members for different reasons, and also, another difference between these bands is that Kiss has always had 4 members whose names (of the original ones) are Paul, Gene, Ace and Peter. On the other hand, Dream Theater has 5, who are James, Mark, Jordan, John Petrucci and John Myung.
Another remarkable difference is the outfit. Meanwhile Dream Theater perform with classic rock clothes, that is, torn jeans, black leather jackets and shirts; Kiss do it with black and white make up on their faces and wearing eccentric suits and high boots.
Even when those differences are very outstanding, these two bands share some other important things like no matter what, they will be remember by all those people who know what rock an roll is about, because they are the best!!!
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